The Kabiliththa, also known as the Siyabalawa Devalaya, is considered to be one of the most sacred places for both Buddhists and Hindus. Devotees of Lord Kataragama visit this place and seek blessings throughout the year.
According to an ancient story, Lord Kataragama (Skanda Kumara) met his future wife, Valli Amma, and called the place "Siyabalawa Devalaya". Devotees believe that Kataragama Meditation Yoga is practiced in this sacred area. So keep in mind that you should not visit the cabin for fun and that it is a very religious journey. If you intend to visit this sacred place, you must become a pure vegetarian and not consume alcohol for twenty days before the trip
It is the Kalu Bandara alias Kadawara deity who has been entrusted by the Kataragama deity to protect the Kambiliththa Devol. Therefore, when those who disobey these habits arrive, they are faced with many obstacles to return home
Located in the fourth part of the Yala National Park, there are four main ways to visit the Siyambalawa Devalaya. But for security reasons, only the road from Monaragala is currently used. However, all of these roads are placed along the Yala Park and it is not easy for anyone to travel. This extremely difficult drive requires cars with special equipment. Because you are in the middle of a jungle, there is no place to rest
Even in these difficult circumstances, devotees still try to get to the cabin. If you are properly prepared with the true faith and faith of the God of Kataragama, you can come to this beautiful sacred place, Kabiliththa and seek the protection of God Kataragama.